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Publication Issue Title
Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 14, No. 1 (2021). Special Issue on: "Covid-19 and the Structural Crisis of Liberal Democracies" Lockdown and Breakdown in Italians' Reactions on Twitter during the First Phase of Covid-19 Details  PDF
Giovanni Boccia Artieri, Francesca Greco, Gevisa La Rocca

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 9 (2013) Sobre el origen de los marcadores de discurso Details  PDF
Marcella La Rocca

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 15, No. 3 (2022). Special issue on: "Investigating Vaccine Controversies during the Covid-19 Pandemic" Early Home Therapies against Covid-19. An Italian Case of Politicisation of Science? Details  PDF
Enrico Campo, Matteo De Toffoli, Giampietro Gobo, Fabrizio Strata

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 15, No. 3 (2022). Special issue on: "Investigating Vaccine Controversies during the Covid-19 Pandemic" Politics During and After Covid-19: Science, Health and Social Protest Details  PDF
Niccolò Bertuzzi, Erica Lagalisse, Elisa Lello, Giampietro Gobo, Barbara Sena

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 52 (2022) - Special Issue Un ‘Pallium’ dalla Britannia Details  PDF
Giovanna Rocca

H-ermes. Journal of Communication N. 10 (2017) - Il Re Nascosto L’immaginario pop: archetipologia delle forme del Re nascosto contemporaneo = The imaginary pop: archetypology of the forms of contemporary hidden King Details  PDF
Fabio La Rocca

Quaderni del MUSA Non solo l’Oriente. Art crimes in the 21st century Introduzione. Luigi La Rocca  PDF
Luigi La Rocca

Quaderni del MUSA Non solo l’Oriente. Art crimes in the 21st century Non solo l’Oriente. Art crimes in the 21st century  PDF
a cura di Luigi La Rocca, Grazia Maria Signore

Idee Volume 50/51 (2002) Libertà, politica e religione  PDF
Tommaso La Rocca

2nd Workshop - Plasmi, Sorgenti, Biofisica ed Applicazioni 2nd Workshop - Plasmi, Sorgenti, Biofisica ed Applicazioni Strand break formation in plasmid DNA irradiated by nanosecond XUV-laser pulses Details  PDF
E. Nováková, M. Davídková, L. Vyšín, T. Burian, M.E. Grisham, S. Heinbuch, J.J. Rocca, L. Juha

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